Colt Inspection Application Form



Colt Details

Registered Owner Details

Inspection Details

Do you wish for the Colt to have a Veterinary Inspection if he is not awarded Class 1 following the Visual Inspection?
Do you require free overnight stabling?
When is overnight stabling required?


Videos and photographs may be taken during the inspection for use in publications, the website and social media and in case any queries arise in the future requiring accuracy of recollection. A properly fitted and secured riding hat/skull cap must be worn by handlers at all times. Declaration: I, the undersigned, certify that I am the registered owner of the above colt and that I have read and understood the current Rules of the Society and agree to abide by them. I also agree to have the above colt inspected by Inspectors appointed by the Council of the British Connemara Pony Society and I accept the decision of the Inspectors will be final and binding. I understand that the BCPS staff or their agents will not accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to any pony, handler or spectator or any other person or property whatsoever. I confirm that I have my own Public Liability Insurance in place. Colt handlers MUST wear a suitable hard hat at all times when handling the colt.
By signing above I/we give consent to my/our personal data being held and processed by BCPS in accordance with the General Data Protection Legislation 2018. Information supplied on this form will be passed by the British Connemara Pony Society to the Central Equine Database, as required by the Passport Legislation, and published in the Stud Book

Inspection Fee:

Where the colt is registered in the BCPS Stud Book: Members £200.00 (Non Members £250.00)

Veterinary Examination Fee: £250.00

Payments cannot be taken over the phone.

If you elect not to have your colt examined by the Veterinary Surgeon then the Examination Fee will be refunded to you following the inspection.

The colt’s passport MUST be brought to the inspection and MUST be in the correct ownership.

Inspection Fee
Veterinary Examination Fee
SKU: colt Category:

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