Performance Award Scheme

Performance Award Scheme News

February 2025

As previously announced, with effect from 1st October 2024 the Part-Bred category has been expanded to include over-height purebreds, thus bringing the Scheme into line with the BCPS shows. The PAS Committee has agreed to open up a number of trophies to animals in the Part-Bred/Over- Height category in addition to the trophies for which they are already eligible, and to present some extra sashes.

The following will now be open to ALL competitors:

  • Irishtown Yerman (endurance)
  • Sparklette (handy pony)
  • Miss Muffet (driving)
  • Macdunn (versatility)

Sashes will be awarded to the best PB/OH in the Silver and Bronze Tiers (the Millfields Commodore Trophy obviously covers the Gold Tier).

There are a few other minor amendments:

  • Page 5
    • British Show Horse Association (BSHA) added to affiliations
    • STARS added to Pony Club and Riding It was already covered by PC/RC, but we have added it to make it clearer.
  • Pages 6-7:
    • Category 7b: Working Show Horse added

If you have any queries, please contact Sandra Parkington on We wish all competitors and their ponies happy and successful year.


If you have a registered Connemara pony, do you:

  • Do a few fun rides and perhaps the occasional Riding Club competition?
  • Compete seriously in affiliated horse trials, dressage, show jumping, working hunter pony, endurance or driving?
  • Go hunting?
  • Take advantage of everything your local Riding Clubs, Pony Clubs or show centres can offer?

If your answer to any of the above was yes, then the BCPS Performance Award Scheme is for YOU!

The Scheme runs from 1st October to 30th September each year, and points are awarded for a wide range of competitions and non-competitive activities, which count towards trophies in the full range of disciplines.

The scheme is for everyone, no matter your experience, ability and competition standard. To make sure that we could recognise the achievements of those competing at a very high level while also offering a goal for those who want to have fun doing unaffiliated and non-competitive activities, we created the Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers:

  • Bronze – Only unaffiliated points
  • Silver – Either a total of under 4000 points (which can come from unaffiliated or affiliated competitions) OR a total of 4000+ points (but where less than 30% of that total comes from affiliated competitions)
  • Gold – A total of 4000+ points, of which at least 30% is won at affiliated competitions

For more details on the competition, see the PAS Rules, which can be downloaded from this page.

How to enter the PAS

You don’t need to be a BCPS Member to join the scheme – but your pony does need to be registered with or overstamped by the BCPS. Overheights are welcome!

In order to enter, all you need to do is buy a PAS card, fill it in over the year and send the completed card in by 5 October. It’s as simple as that!

A PAS card costs £12 (member) or £18 (non-member). Buy your card online in our shop, or send the £12/£18 entry fee and an A5 SAE to either the BCPS Office or to the following address:

Julia Woods

Cockerel Inn Farm

35 Prickwillow Road




Continuation and hunt cards are available at no extra cost, but postal requests should be accompanied by an A5 SAE. Cheques should be made payable to the BCPS.

If you join partway through the competition year, you can still fill your card in for competitions you did since 1 October, as long as you can still fill in all the relevant information on the card, including the Secretary’s signature, proof of your competition record from the relevant governing body or internet proof. For information on how to fill your card in, see below.

Filling in your card

The full set of rules on which competitions/events you can claim points at, how to fill in your card and how to calculate your points can be found in the PAS Rules. But here are the most important parts of the card – if you don’t fill these in, then your points will automatically be disallowed:

First column: Date and name of show or event (please give the full names for Riding Clubs as abbreviations make checking hard)

Second column: Full details of affiliation must be given (even if already stated with the name of the show or event) – and please make sure that Riding Clubs and riding schools are affiliated on the date of the competition

Third column: The number of the dressage test or the height of the course must be stated

Seventh column: The Secretary’s signature must be with every class, including championships and qualifiers which must be entered on a separate line in the Points Card. If there is no signature, please provide proof of the result.

An example of a filled-in PAS card can be downloaded from this page. 



PAS Card Example

Completed cards

First of all, please ensure that you have filled out all parts of your card thoroughly. Every year, people throw points away by failing to fill in their cards correctly. See the PAS Rules and example card on this page, but if you still have any queries, please email

Once you’re sure that your card is filled in correctly, you need to return your card by no later than 5 October. You can do this one of two ways: by post or online.

To return your card by post, please send it to:

Julia Woods

Cockerel Inn Farm

35 Prickwillow Road




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